Selasa, 01 Juli 2008


In its 82 years of age, NU has played many important roles in various historical episodes of the Republic of Indonesia, which show the organization dynamics, among others;

  1. Initiating the Indonesian establishment of MIAI (Majelis Islam A'la Indonesia or Indonesia's Highest Council of Islam) in 1937, which then together with GAPI (Gabungan Politik Indonesia or Indonesian Politics Association) demanded the administration of Dutch-Indie to form Indonesian parliament.
  2. Mobilizing physical resistance against imperialist force through Jihad (holy war) Resolution issued on October 22, 1945.
  3. Changing into political party, which in general election 1955 took the third in national vote gathering.
  4. Acquiring, at least, 32 ministerial offices during Republic government 1945-1965.
  5. Taking initiative in Islamic Conference for Asia-Africa, joined by representatives of 37 countries in 1965.
  6. Coming back to Khittah (earliest orientation) in 1984, which affirmed NU's identity as socio-religious organization.
  7. Originating cultural Islam movement and civil society empowerment during 1990s decade.

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