Selasa, 01 Juli 2008

Aims and Services of Organization

To promulgate Islamic teachings according to the Ahlussunnah Waljama'ah doctrines in people's life, within the frame of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).

  1. In religious field, preaching Islam and increasing brotherhood feeling underpinned by the spirit of unity in diversity.
  2. In educational field, conducting education which fits with Islamic values for the sake of forming Muslim men/women who are of piety, good-conduct, broader knowledge, and of use for religion, nation, and state.
  3. In socio-cultural field, attempting to increase people's prosperity and cultivating culture, which is not against Islamic teachings.
  4. In economic field, attempting to distribute opportunities in enjoying development results, by focusing more on the growth of people's economy.
  5. Developing other services useful for broader society.

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